My luck hasn't changed much recently. Here's why:
Yesterday, after the referencing workshop, a few of us went to the library to play games. Az, Awesome, Cassie, Overlord, Queen and I. We were playing this game which i dunno what it's called. First time playing it yeterday. The last person who has the "You're an idiot!" card loses. For the first round, there was a mistake. 2 "You're an idiot!" cards were in the deck instead of the rightful 1. Guess what? I that idiot who got both! Second round, I was the idiot who got the one as well. -,- FML~
Today, I woke up late so I dressed like crap and left the house wearing my long time nv wear hacianas sandals. When I got home, after I step out of the lift, the one on the left snapped. FML~
HAhaha. Actually the havianas one considered lucky. I only need to walk a few steps bare footed and I'm home.
Been having UTs every school day this week. Bloody hell. I'm a goner. Before the holidays, or rather "holidays", we had one UT on Comm Theories. It was okay I guess. I could answer the questions. But! UT 2, Media Writing, I couldn't answer more than half the questions. For those that I did, they were 1 liners. 2 at max. Woooo, I'm sooooo screwed! Same thing happen for today's UT. X- Comm. It was a little better but there won't be much difference. I feel asleep while resting my eyes. After I woke, tried to do some. Submitted and went to sleep. Oh my. I can only blame myself for not studying. Pfft!
I have not started on my PP yet! I'll have to fucking wake up if I wanna pass my year 2!
I need to snap out of it! Reality check pls!
Oh, and there's a substitute faci today. Not bad, can joke. But today I woke up late and on the wrong side of bed. All my jokes seem like pathetic attempts. =( Tmr better be better!
Anywayz, after so long, finally got to take picture with Jazzy! Ahahaha!!!

*Still trying to Livin' la vida loca.