Lesson is class not fun today. Let's skip it.
During 1st break, Avin, Elliot, Stan, Syam n I went to the lawn to play frisbee. We were like idiots but its all fun! Avin n I brought our walkie talkies. His talkies are damn good! From a few blocks still can hear.
After school, we went outside the library door to play the frisbee till one security guard came out and told us not to play outside the library. Then we started our block hide-n-seek. 1st round, Gary & Cheryl were the seeker. All of us got caught. 2nd, the caught, must report back to base. Team members are suppose to go there to free them. For this round, I did the best I ever in my life!! I freed Avin, Gary n Stan and throughout, I wasn't caught!!! Cheryl didnt get caught at all too. 3rd round, Elliot, Cheryl and Hyena left and we played ice-n-melt. We played for awhile only. Then another guard came and talked to Avin about something. After that, we sat down, and slack for a while.
After we slacked, Avin, Denise, Gary, Stanley, Syam and I went around the school taking pictures, making idiots out of ourselves. HAHAH!! Denise was our photographer.